Inspiring and equipping
SMALL charities
to make a BIG difference
You have so much to think about when running your charity; everyone sometimes needs support.
Why do we work with small charities?
We believe that small charities, whether UK-based or working in the international development sector, are in the best position to support the communities with which they work. They are often able to better understand their community’s needs, and to become experts in their particular field. But resources are always tight, and a small team can struggle to do everything without a bit of support. We can help lighten that load.
- There are over 165,000 voluntary organisations in the UK. 45% of them have an annual income of less than £10,000 (micro charities) and 96% an income of less than £1m (small charities).
- Small charities receive just 20% of the UK’s charitable giving.
- 77% of Small charities reported that they have directly involved service users in the design of services in the past three years.
- 950,000 people work in the voluntary sector, with 56% of the workforce working for a small charity.
- Over the past five years, the greatest challenge small charities faced was their workload, followed by a lack of funding, and then high demand for their services.
- 40% of small charities felt that visiting other charities, connecting with business or using resources from the wider voluntary sector would help address skills gaps.
Source: NCVO Almanac 2022, Smallcharities data
- Paul Streets, Chief Executive of the Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales, said: “Small charities’ knowledge of local communities is unparalleled, and has allowed them to provide effective services to those who’ve needed them the most during this most challenging of times.”

How we can inspire and equip you to make a bigger difference….

Health Check/ Strength Review

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